Welcome to Oakwood Yoga

Namaste and wishing you are very warm welcome to these pages.  I really hope you find something of interest,  do have a good browse, if you need any help, please get in touch.  




What a wonderful week it has been!  It started with a joyous masterclasss on Saturday 5th…the energy of the OMmmming at the end was beautiful.  Which reminds me…there is an OM class at Sage Yoga on 9th November.  I would have loved to attend that.  My next masterclass is on 7th December on Yoga of Sound…where I will be using my new singing bowl skills!  I so hope you can join me for an afternoon of deep peace and reconnection.

As so many have supported the Nepal Fund…can I once again give a massive thank you to everyone who made last Sunday so successful.  I always worry about this event but gosh it exceeded all previous years once more.  Monies are still coming in.  With the flooding they have been experiencing and the loss of a whole village, some of this money will help to buy food.  But most will continue to go to support the Tiffin Club…providing lunch to primary school children.  Thank you to all the lovely stall holders and artisans, the kitchen team, Wendy and her tombola stall and all the donations given for it, Mel and her reflexology skills, all the helpers and obviously all of you for coming along and buying and spending!  It was such a wonderful energy in the room too.  Love to you all.

There are two more weeks of classes and then I am on holiday.  Am so looking forward to the training I have planned whilst away.

Wishing you a glorious weekend and all being well see you week of 14th October.


Key Dates

NO CLASSES – 28th October to 20th November

7th December – Yoga of Sound Masterclass.   Which will include Tibetan Singing Bowls…but no singing!

 If you have never been to one of my classes before, please complete the Oakwood Yoga Health Form and EMAIL it to me prior to joining a class.  When I receive it I will send you the payment methods…please pay prior to class.  If you are a new student we also need to arrange a 15 min call.  

“Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.

~ Delia Owens

Nepal Update

Not exactly the tree you would see in Nepal but I love coastal redwoods as much as I love Nepal.  One day I will get to see the real big ones…hopefully.
I will be bringing an update soon…as I am off to the village.  So excited to be seeing everyone again!

Huge thanks for your continued support.  It makes such a massive difference.


Teaching yoga is a huge priviledge, and I strongly believe in the benefits to our overall well being. What I love as well is that yoga does not discriminate.  No matter what level your experience, how well or poorly you are, yoga is available to us all.

I offer group classes and 121 sessions. 


This section is all about sharing things we do in class or on retreat or through our masterclass work. There will be recordings from time to time as well. Feel free to share…just let people know where it came from!

Nepal Update

Not exactly the tree you would see in Nepal but I love coastal redwoods as much as I love Nepal.  One day I will get to see the real big ones…hopefully.
I will be bringing an update soon…as I am off to the village.  So excited to be seeing everyone again!

Huge thanks for your continued support.  It makes such a massive difference.


Teaching yoga is a huge priviledge, and I strongly believe in the benefits to our overall well being. What I love as well is that yoga does not discriminate.  No matter what level your experience, how well or poorly you are, yoga is available to us all.

I offer group classes and 121 sessions. 


This section is all about sharing things we do in class or on retreat or through our masterclass work. There will be recordings from time to time as well. Feel free to share…just let people know where it came from!