Welcome to Oakwood Yoga

Namaste and wishing you are very warm welcome to these pages.  I really hope you find something of interest, do have a good browse, if you need any help, please get in touch.  

As you will have noticed, those of you who are frequent visitors, my website hasn’t changed in recent months!  this is purely down to me finding more interesting things to do…mainly in the garden!  Sarah, the brains behind it all, has given me a list of things to get on with but it means learning new techie stuff and I am slow at that.  So apologies.  The bits we need work very well…it just means new content will not be going on for a while yet.

Classes are a little quiet at the moment…so if you are thinking of joining me you would be most welcome!  We have 4 more weeks before I take a break for the summer as I have a few yoga things planned for me and for my CPD points.  So this next month is a great opportunity to come and give yoga a try.


Key Dates

17th August is our next workshop and it is a fundraiser for Nepal. The morning will be a Dru yoga practice with Kathy, 10 to 1230.  The afternoon will be with me, 1400 to 1630, where will will make a mala bracelet with beads from Nepal, practice meditation with it, some pranayama work and a sound bath to relax to.  You can come to the whole day or part of it.  Do contact me as places are limited.

Our planned walking dates are 21st July (Bakewell); 31st August (Eyam); 15th September (Baslow)…but could change depending on weather, and life!

Holiday in Nepal 2024…I have two trips planned for Nepal this autumn, if you are interested let me know so I canl send all the details.

Trek 1 is to Langtang and Helumbu – two weeks, arriving in Kathmandu 19th October.

Trek 2 is Makalu Base Camp – three weeks, arriving in Kathmandu 1st November.  Or do both!  I will be doing the second trek as we did the Langtang one in 2019…it is amazing.

If you have never been to one of my classes before, please complete the Oakwood Yoga Health Form and EMAIL it to me prior to joining a class.  When I receive it I will send you the payment methods…please pay prior to class.  If you are a new student we also need to arrange a 15 min call.  

Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together.”~ Diane McLaren

Nepal Update

Not exactly the tree you would see in Nepal but I love coastal redwoods as much as I love Nepal.  One day I will get to see the real big ones…hopefully.
I will be bringing an update soon…as I am off to the village.  So excited to be seeing everyone again!

Huge thanks for your continued support.  It makes such a massive difference.


Teaching yoga is a huge priviledge, and I strongly believe in the benefits to our overall well being. What I love as well is that yoga does not discriminate.  No matter what level your experience, how well or poorly you are, yoga is available to us all.

I offer group classes and 121 sessions. 


This section is all about sharing things we do in class or on retreat or through our masterclass work. There will be recordings from time to time as well. Feel free to share…just let people know where it came from!

Nepal Update

Not exactly the tree you would see in Nepal but I love coastal redwoods as much as I love Nepal.  One day I will get to see the real big ones…hopefully.
I will be bringing an update soon…as I am off to the village.  So excited to be seeing everyone again!

Huge thanks for your continued support.  It makes such a massive difference.


Teaching yoga is a huge priviledge, and I strongly believe in the benefits to our overall well being. What I love as well is that yoga does not discriminate.  No matter what level your experience, how well or poorly you are, yoga is available to us all.

I offer group classes and 121 sessions. 


This section is all about sharing things we do in class or on retreat or through our masterclass work. There will be recordings from time to time as well. Feel free to share…just let people know where it came from!