Namaste Everyone!
Wishing you all a very healthy and joyful year ahead. I am sure we will all have little hurdles to overcome but with support from friends, family and our yoga practice, we will have all the help needed to get over them! If I can ever be of any specific help please feel free to ask.
In yoga we talk about the elements, pancha mahabhutas to give their “proper” name! Ether/Space/Akasha is the first of these. It is the most subtle of the elements but it gives the foundation for the others (air, water, fire and fire) to exist and interact. Akasha is linked to sound and silence and is said to carry vibrations, so is strongly linked with vishuddha (throat) chakra – our centre for communication and expression.
At this time of year many of you may have taken some down time to reflect on the year we have left behind and on the year ahead. Akasha allows us the space to have this communication with ourselves, connecting – even reconnecting – us to our higher consciousness, the divine and the infinite. When we take these moments we are opening ourselves to clarity, to ease and to the space we need to grow and move forward.
If you haven’t already done this please do give yourself a couple of hours of you time. Remember that you are enough. You have all the answers inside you…just waiting for the right time to come to life. May the year ahead be all you need.
During some of my reflection time whilst trekking in the region of Makalu in November, and whilst with my parents this Christmas, I have decided to make some changes to classes as we move forward. I have become mindful that my energy pot is not always full!!! I have pained over these decisions but I do have to do what is right for me, and you, in the long term.