Summer 2024

Summer 2024

Namaste Everyone! I so hope this finds you all well and making the most of the summer so far. Not as warm as the other year but at least we don’t have to water the garden as much! Over the last two months we have been having fun with Sun Salutations…making them...
Early Spring 2024

Early Spring 2024

Namaste Everyone! The title makes me giggle…it doesn’t feel like early spring as it is tipping it down outside! Wish we could harvest all this for the summer watering in the garden. I managed to get out in the garden for a poke around the other day, and loved how...
Winter 2023 Newsletter

Winter 2023 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone! I am writing this very last minute…literally hours before setting off to Nepal. So it is just going to be a brief word from me! I want to extend a massive heartfelt thank you to everyone who has recently helped to run, attend and take part in our...
Autumn 2023 Newsletter

Autumn 2023 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone! Before yoga, many of you may know, that motorcycling was my passion! I have to admit to being a bit of a speed freak…not in a car…just on a bike! Even on a bicycle…I always want to have the top speed of the day when out with...
Summer 2023 Newsletter

Summer 2023 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone! Welcome to another newsletter…I really hope this does find you well, enjoying all the glorious weather we have been experiencing and hopefully all the joys of flowers, fruits, veggies and colours at this time of year. I love all the seasons as I can...
Spring 2023 Newsletter

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone. The sun is shining and Spring Equinox was yesterday…and despite the forecast, it isn’t raining. It feels wonderful to be here…in our new home. The house is full of happy workmen sorting out the snagging list! I am trying to keep out of...