Hari Om!

Welcome to December.
Namaste everyone…and wishing you all a wonderfully festive season when it arrives…hope we keep having this lovely frosty weather.  Stay warm though!

So much is going on at the moment that I am struggling to keep up!!  I promised to include an relaxation practice that we did a few weeks ago – nut it will be in the next one!  Sorry!

Another family in Nepal will be staying warm…eventually, when the house is built!  I just want to say what a fantastic day the Craft Fayre on 26th November was.  You raised £1953 which was just amazing.  A massive thank you to Sally for helping me organise; Cherry for cooking with me; Carole, Pat, Phillipa and Joan for managing the kitchen and serving everyone…that team really are the veggie gravy to hold us all together; Joan and Wendy for manning the Derbyshire Unites for Nepal stall; Jo and Anne for meeting and greeting everyone and relieving them of their £5 entrance fee; and Nicola and Ann for stepping in last minute to sell tickets for the Guess the Weight of the Nepal Cake.  A special thank you to Jenni and Barry Pizer for sharing their knowledge about the village we are helping and giving us a clear insight to what being a menstrating woman means in Nepal.  Without all the wonderful stall holders and all the people who donated raffle prizes and made cakes for us it just wouldn’t have been possible.  So a HUGE heartfelt thank you to everyone involved.  And, finally a massive thank you to everyone who came and supported the fund and bought from the wonderful the stall holders…some said they had their best day ever!!

The next Craft Fayre for Nepal will be 26th November 2017.  Put in your diary and if you want a table do let me know!

Yoga Day Reminders: ….