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Namaste Everyone.

I really hope this finds you all well and happy and enjoying a little more freedom. As I write this we have been enjoying a few weeks of dry warm weather and it really does make a difference to how we feel and view things. Make the most of every moment is my motto and I am trying to do that. Sometimes I try and pack a little too much in, so some say…but whilst I can I do!!!

Which is why in May I am having a little time off. Finally, we have managed to sort out a short trip away in Cumbria, and I get to see mum and my niece…it’s been a LONG time coming. I am a little excited. So…there will be no classes the week of 24th May. I will be having 31st May off too, BUT, there will be classes on 2nd and 3rd June to make up no Monday class…details below so you can sort your diaries. Also, the chanting class will be Tuesday 18th May…if you have never been before do come along, you know the chants, but it’s just lovely to have that collective energy happening.

I keep getting asked about live classes, and at the moment I am reluctant to start any as we still have to socially distance, have ventilation, and extra time for cleaning and as everyone starts to go away it just isn’t viable at the moment. I will be doing a live walk and yoga class monthly and I do hope to be back to normal in October. There will still be zoom, and I plan to keep it as it is currently. So please do bare with me. It would be wonderful to see you if you are missing your yoga! And me!!!!!

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