Namaste Everyone. Happy 2021 to you all. Perhaps not the usual start to a new year, but change is good!!! She says tongue in cheek. Not sure about you, but, January normally gives me a spring in my step, as the days do start to get lighter and I know by mid-Feb we will really notice it. But what has been giving me a lot to smile about recently is the bird song. There is often a robin near the window when I am teaching…he distracts me all the time! But it is lovely to hear them all preparing I guess to find their partners. And on my walks I have often stopped to listen, trying to make out as many calls as possible…the other morning the blackbird was up really early. Throughout January we have worked with the moon salutation and I am sure the birds are also influenced by the moon. This coming month we are sticking to nature and will be working with the Elements, which gives me lots of freedom!! The moon salutation may creep back in, just so you do remember it!!!