December 2015 Newsletter

December 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! Welcome to December…how did that happen!  I hope your preparations are well underway and you are organised.  Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas and healthy 2016.  I have reduced the number of cards I am sending and the presents I buy so...
November 2015 Newsletter

November 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! Hellooooo! Really hope this finds you all well. The joy I am displaying in the photo is still with me today as I write and hopefully a little of that enthusiasm is spilling over into this newsletter! I am sharing this photo of Nick and I on our recent holiday...
October 2015 Newsletter

October 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! This was taken the day after our Holistic Day for Nepal….blowing away the cobwebs with my lovely friend Cherry…we were on Froggetts Edge in beautiful Derbyshire. Love it up there – just what we needed after such a busy day. I keep saying...
September 2015 Newsletter

September 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! As I write I am doing the final plans for my Yoga Holiday to France and as much organising as I can for the Holistic Day for Nepal. August has flown past – but it ihas been fun and I have been hugely encouraged by everyone coming to class, despite it...
August 2015 Newsletter

August 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! Hello everyone…really hope this finds you well and happy. It continues to be busy around here.  I like it that way as if I am ever sat too long I will find something to do!  Today it has been jam making…I find that really theraputic. Read more →...