July 2015 Newsletter

July 2015 Newsletter

Hari OM! The thing on my mind is Nepal! No change there I hear you say! A small team of us are organising a Holistic Day for Nepal and we would love you to support us in any way you can. There is more detail below but the date for your diary is 12th September. A...
June 2015 Newsletter

June 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to all the new subscribers to this newsletter. Really hope you stick with me and find something of interest. If not let me know what you do want to know more about! It seems like last week when I was sending out the last...
May 2015 Newsletter

May 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! Where on earth has April gone…cannot believe how quickly the Spring is springing forward. It has been so lovely though watching all the colours develop and the blossom has been especially beautiful. Really hope you have time to enjoy. This newsletter...
April 2015 Newsletter

April 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! I am jumping for joy…Spring is here, the blackthorn is in bloom and the birds are nesting in the garden. There is so much excitement about…not just in the air, in my yoga world too! My feet have hardly touched the floor this last month! Loving...
March 2015 Newsletter

March 2015 Newsletter

Hari Om! It is such a joy to be writing to you again this month…Spring is surely on the way, snowdrops and tiny iris flowers are opening in my garden. I love how everything is coming back to life. Blossom is on the cherry trees, birds are building nests and...