December 2018 Newsletter

December 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! Hopefully, I will see many of you before Christmas, but if not, I hope you have a fabulous Solstice, Christmas and a joyful and healthy 2019. Thank you so much for all your support and love over this year…many of you have helped to make it a very...
November 2018 Newsletter

November 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! I really hope this finds you well and not suffering with any of the bugs going around. If you have been in class during November you will know our theme has been on boosting the immune system…so important at this time of year to do right breathing and...
October 2018 Newsletter

October 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! A massive warm welcome to you all and especially the new people who have signed up for this newsletter. It’s a little light this month as I have been gallivanting around Japan. I am feeling hugely happy and grateful as I write this. Japan was amazing and I...
September 2018 Newsletter

September 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! Really hope this finds you all well.  The dodgy photo of me was taken near the beginning of the Cycle Derby Sportive…a great event that I did with my lovely crazy friend Dani…we cycled together for about 5 mins and then she left me!  She likes food and I...
August 2018 Newsletter

August 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! As I sit and write this I seem to have so many different things being juggled which is wonderful. The summer retreat is happening soon and I am so excited about it as I think the food is going to be amazing. If it all goes to plan I may run again next...