January 2021 Newsletter

January 2021 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone. Happy 2021 to you all. Perhaps not the usual start to a new year, but change is good!!! She says tongue in cheek. Not sure about you, but, January normally gives me a spring in my step, as the days do start to get lighter and I know by mid-Feb we...
March 2020 Newsletter

March 2020 Newsletter

Namaste! This newsletter is a little earlier than I expected, and I so hope it finds you and your families safe and well. To be honest, I have not been paying much attention to the coronavirus, but it seems that I really do need to now! So I wanted to send this out...
December 2019 Newsletter

December 2019 Newsletter

Namaste!  Wishing You a Very Happy and Healthy 2020!  May this year bring you joy, maybe a few challenges but ones you meet with trust and faith. I have been a little sneaky because as you read this I am still in Nepal!  I asked Sarah (banksbusinesssolutions.co.uk) to...
Late November 2019 Newsletter

Late November 2019 Newsletter

Hello and welcome … really hope this finds you well. For once I am not last minute with this…have had to be very organised this month!  I am on a 6 month Pranayama course…it has homework!  So my planning skills have had to be honed once more!!  It’s been a bit...
November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Hello and welcome … really hope this finds you well. October seems to have zoomed past…hardly caught my breath!  But it has been fun. In class, I have been trying to teach you Gayatri Mantra again.  It’s funny how some classes love it and others not so much! ...