July 2018 Newsletter

July 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! Well, what a summer we are having! I couldn’t believe how hot it was when we landed back from Peru…and that it has lasted. Such joy to have all this wonderful warmth and dryness. I know the gardens and reservoirs need it, but it makes such a pleasant...
April 2017 Newsletter

April 2017 Newsletter

Hari Om! Happy Easter!  Happy Spring! I am so joyful at the moment as the last couple of days have been proper Spring days and Nick and I even managed to get a day on the hills….long over due.  So hope you are finding time to do the things you enjoy....
October 2016 Newsletter

October 2016 Newsletter

Hari Om! Welcome to October…. Namaste everyone…I know, I said there wouldn’t be a October newsletter but I just wanted to remind you of dates and a couple of other things. If this is your first newsletter from me I hope it holds a little interest.  A...