July 2018 Newsletter

July 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! Well, what a summer we are having! I couldn’t believe how hot it was when we landed back from Peru…and that it has lasted. Such joy to have all this wonderful warmth and dryness. I know the gardens and reservoirs need it, but it makes such a pleasant...

June 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! I know I said there would be no newsletter this month…but this is just a mini one, as a couple of things have been going on and I wanted to let you know about them, and remind you about dates!  Obviously, by the time you read this I will be half way round a...
April 2018 Newsletter

April 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! So hope you are enjoying the sun and not sat inside like me!! It is chilly out there but as I knew I had a big computer day ahead I did go for an early walk which was lovely. The Great Tits are singing so loudly at the moment that they have outdone the...
November 2017 Newsletter

November 2017 Newsletter

Namaste! Well, who would have thought we would get to December so quickly.  I don’t know if it is an age thing or just that we are all so busy these days that the days and weeks move forward so quickly.  But, this is the time for renewal and regeneration so I do hope...
September 2017 Newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter

Namaste! A huge welcome to all the new people on this list…lots of new people in classes and also people signing up through the website. Hopefully there is something of interest for you here! It’s been another fun and busy month and the biggest bit of news is...