November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Hello and welcome … really hope this finds you well. October seems to have zoomed past…hardly caught my breath!  But it has been fun. In class, I have been trying to teach you Gayatri Mantra again.  It’s funny how some classes love it and others not so much! ...
October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Hello and welcome to optimistic October!  I really hope this finds you well. Apologies this is late but September was exceptionally busy and I did take a little time out for myself for a change…so spent less time sitting at the computer.  It has become very...
July 2019 Newsletter

July 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Hello and I really hope this finds you well. Nick and I had a wonderful holiday (Zanskar, Northern India) although I think it is the toughest we have done. Think this was because the terrain was not easy in places and you had to really think about foot...
May 2019 Newsletter

May 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Well…how on earth did we reach the end of May so quickly! I really hope you have enjoyed the sunshine and managed to get out in the garden and into the hills for some lovely connections to Nature! It’s been a busy full on month for me…loving every...
April 2019 Newsletter

April 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Welcome to the April Newsletter and I really hope it finds you all well. Apologies that it is so late but I’ve been a little naughty this Easter…but in a good way. I have really been trying to avoid spending too much time on the computer as I have...