June 2016 Newsletter

June 2016 Newsletter

Hari Om! Welcome to June… What can I say?  I got writers block over the weekend when I really needed to send this out to you all.  Apologies.  It seems to take me an age to write these days as my mind flits from one idea to another!  Really hope you are all well...
May 2016 Newsletter

May 2016 Newsletter

Hari Om! Welcome to May… I really hope this finds you all well.  By the time it lands I will be in sunny Morocco, trekking in Jebel Sirwa.  I have no idea where I am going…just following Nick!   It really is Spring although the snow the other day was...
March 2016 Newsletter

March 2016 Newsletter

Hari Om! Welcome to March….love this month….will be another year wiser….yippee! The other reason is that it is getting very close to our trip to Nepal, my first visit in two years, and it is so special this time as 9 yogis are coming with me.  Really...
March 2016 Newsletter

February 2016 Newsletter

Hari Om! Hello…hoping you are all well and happy.  This year has got off to a great start and I am so grateful and thankful.  Have met so many new people, January has been a high energy month.  Thank you so much.  Read more>>

January 2016 Newsletter

Hari Om! Happy New Year!  I really hope 2016 brings you joy and great health.  I love the turn of the year, not because I do anything spectacular or anything; but it seems to be a great time to feel revitalised and raring to go…dancing towards Spring!  Read more...