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September 2021 Newsletter

September 2021 Newsletter

I really hope this finds you all well and having had a fun summer. It’s been ok weather wise hasn’t it…and as I sit here writing we were meant to have thunderstorms but they never came. How the veg patch produces is always an indication to me of how the summer...
June 2021 Newsletter

June 2021 Newsletter

Happy end of June! I cannot believe as I sit here on the 20th of June writing this that we are on the eve of the Summer Solstice already…it hardly feels like winter has ended let alone mid year and mid summer. It is a wonderful reminder to make the most of every...
May 2021 Newsletter

May 2021 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone. I really hope this finds you well and being able to get closer to those that you have missed hugging! As I write things are being opened up a little more…but to be honest I have always hugged anyone who allowed me to! Nick can’t get away with...
April 2021 Newsletter

April 2021 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone. I really hope this finds you all well and happy and enjoying a little more freedom. As I write this we have been enjoying a few weeks of dry warm weather and it really does make a difference to how we feel and view things. Make the most of every...
March 2021 Newsletter

March 2021 Newsletter

Namaste Everyone. Well…it’s been a year since we started using Zoom. Although I bought a years package of Zoom, I didn’t think it would last…let alone be spending on another years package! A massive thank you to all for persevering with it and sticking...