March 2019 Newsletter

March 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Welcome to the March Newsletter and I really hope it finds you all well. There seems to have been a little illness around so if you are suffering I am sending you lots of healing energy! I love this time of year for so many reasons…marriage, another...
February 2019 Newsletter

February 2019 Newsletter

Namaste! Welcome to you and Spring…it does feel like it has arrived already. Let’s hope by the time you are reading this it still feels like it! I have just returned from a weekend of Pranayama training, and it was such a joy seeing all the snowdrops and crocus...
October 2018 Newsletter

October 2018 Newsletter

Namaste! A massive warm welcome to you all and especially the new people who have signed up for this newsletter. It’s a little light this month as I have been gallivanting around Japan. I am feeling hugely happy and grateful as I write this. Japan was amazing and I...
November 2017 Newsletter

November 2017 Newsletter

Namaste! Well, who would have thought we would get to December so quickly.  I don’t know if it is an age thing or just that we are all so busy these days that the days and weeks move forward so quickly.  But, this is the time for renewal and regeneration so I do hope...
August 2017 Newsletter

August 2017 Newsletter

Namaste! I am sat writing this cooling down from this wonderful warm bank holiday weather we are having! Cannot believe that we are already at the end of August…my feet haven’t touched the ground this month…or at least that is how it feels at the moment....